The British Tunnelling Society (BTS) in union with Transforming Tunnel Safety (TTS), a group of clients, contractors and consultants across the industry with the goal of improving health, safety and wellbeing within the tunnelling industry, have issued a letter requesting the submission of information pertaining to vital lessons learnt and best practices in the field of Health, Safety and Wellbeing of the tunnel workforce.
Read the full letter here:
The British Tunnelling Society (BTS) as you are aware is a learned society to provide a forum for the discussion of tunnel related matters and advancing the knowledge of the tunnelling industry. Health, Safety and Wellbeing has been to the forefront of many of our initiatives throughout the past 48 years of the society. This has included authoring BS6164 Safety in Tunnelling; Compressed Air Regulations; Guidance on HAVS and nitrogen dioxide in tunnels and many more.
In the past few years the BTS has been working closely with Transforming Tunnel Safety (TTS). This group comprises a spectrum of clients, contractors and consultants across the industry that have the goal to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of all people that work in the tunnelling industry.
The BTS is also represented in TTS and fully supportive of this Industry Group. To ensure that the industry has an excellent resource that captures lessons learnt, best practice and well produced videos your support is needed to increase resource available on the website.
A key aim of the group is to share information on all tunnel related health, safety and wellbeing issues, such that busy tunnellers can quickly access information that will be useful for disseminating to the workforce. The BTS has agreed to host on its website the sharing of such information for all of the industry to learn from. These are hosed on our website at
It is a huge opportunity for all of us to support this aim and to participate. To date we have a limited amount of information from only a few construction projects and we would welcome more from across all our industry. It is time for an effective step change, where all our corporate members have a key role to play. Health, Safety and Wellbeing is a top priority for all of us and continual improvement of our performance in these areas is critical to us all.
To promote sharing of information, parties that provide content will be recognised and have their logo added to a “contributors” section on the website.
If you have any information that you are able to share please email to so that this can be included on the website.
On behalf of the BTS and TTS thank you for your support on this initiative and we look forward to receiving your information.
Ivor Thomas Nick Butler
BTS Chair Chair of TTS Communications Working Group