The political parties behind the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link project have decided to initiate a number of large construction activities in Rødbyhavn on Lolland. The project involves the constrcution of an 18km long immersed tube tunnel, the longest in the world.
Femern A/S have been requested to enter negotiations with the contractor consortia that will build the Fehmarnbelt tunnel, about launching a number of major construction activities in Rødbyhavn on the Danish side.
“Now we embark on a new chapter of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link project. The implementation of a number of major construction activities will make best use of the time and ensure progress in the project. This is a very important step, says Claus F. Baunkjær, CEO of Femern A/S.
The specific construction activities that will take place at Rødbyhavn on Lolland are:
- The construction of the large tunnel element factory at Rødbyhavn. The plant will cast the 89 tunnel elements that together will constitute the Fehmarnbelt tunnel.
- The establishment of a work harbour at Rødbyhavn. Materials for construction of the plant will be delivered via the harbour and tunnel elements will be shipped out to sea from here.
- The establishment of the tunnel portal on Lolland. The first tunnel elements will be immersed and connected to the Danish portal.
- The establishment of the housing and administrative facilities for the Femern A/S tunnel workers and contractors.
- Ordering of special marine equipment. Including the machines to be used to dredge the tunnel trench.
- Other lesser preparatory works
Implementation of the construction works means that Denmark can take advantage of a substantial part of the 4.4bn kroner in subsidies that the EU Commission has awarded the Fehmarnbelt tunnel. At the same time, the construction works will ensure that the Fehmarnbelt tunnel can open in 2028.
The decision of the political parties comes against the background of the German plan approval of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel, Femern A/S received in December 2018. The plan approval may be brought before the German Federal Administrative Court, but the legal proceedings will not affect thee construction works in Denmark.
The construction works on the Danish side are expected to begin in the fall of 2019