Crossrail today announced its intention to award the last of the main construction contracts for the new central section stations, C412 Bond Street station to the Costain Skanska JV. In line with European procurement rules the contract is subject to a ten-day standstill period.
Andrew Wolstenholme, Crossrail Chief Executive said: “Crossrail has now awarded the final main construction contract for the new central section stations. Contracts worth over £5bn have been awarded to-date, providing a much needed boost to the construction industry and the UK economy. The Bond Street Crossrail station contract will create hundreds of new jobs with hundreds more created in the wider supply chain.
“Crossrail will transform access to the West End while also acting as a catalyst for the major development and regeneration of the local area. Twenty-four trains an hour in each direction will pass through the station during peak periods, hugely enhancing the capacity at one of central London’s busiest stations.”
The contract also includes commitments to provide apprenticeships and job opportunities for Londoners. Costain Skanska JVwill be required to create around 11 new apprenticeships and new job start roles for individuals who are long-term unemployed or out of education or training for six months or more during the life of their contract. It is a requirement that all of the new job starts be taken up by individuals living within Greater London or within one mile of the Crossrail route.
Bond Street Crossrail station will be directly connected to the neighbouring Tube station allowing passengers to interchange between Crossrail and London Underground services.
Following completion of the works, a major over-site development will be constructed above the Crossrail station.