Crossrail has submitted an OJEU notice for the construction of civil advance works for the five central stations, Bond Street, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon, Liverpool Street and Whitechapel, on the cross London rail link. Works include piling, diaphragm walling, shaft construction and associated civils works and are required to be completed before tunnel works commence at these locations.
Programme Director Andy Mitchell said: “These significant pieces of work will be crucial to the Crossrail programme as they will enable each station to receive the Tunnel Boring Machines on schedule at its site.”
The scope of the works at the five stations are:
C411 Bond Street
- Works will include secant piles, contiguous piles, bored piles, diaphragm walling and associated civils works, excavation, temporary works and propping.
- The construction of an access shaft including associated civils works, temporary works and propping may be included.
C421 Tottenham Court Road
- Works will include Bored and Secant piles and Diaphragm Walling along with temporary works and propping, excavation and the disposal of arisings and excavated material.
- The construction of an access shaft including associated civils works, temporary works and propping may be included.
C430 Farringdon Station
- Works will include earthworks (excavation and infill), modification of existing and installation of new ventilation infrastructure, associated civils works, secant piles and installation of a temporary construction platform including piled foundations.
- It will also include drainage diversion, demolition, dewatering, shaft construction, bored piles, removal of buried obstructions including services, construction of a crane platform including piling, disposal of arisings and excavated material, settlement monitoring and mitigation
C501 Liverpool Street
- Shaft construction works including the design and installation of diaphragm walling, excavation and disposal of arisings and excavated material, piling and associated civils works.
C511 Whitechapel
- Shaft construction works including diaphragm walling, associated civils works, piling, excavation and disposal of arisings and excavated material, demolition of existing brick retaining wall, temporary works.