Granite Construction Incorporated has announced that the JV team comprised of Kenny Construction Company, a wholly-owned Granite subsidiary, and Obayashi Corporation has been awarded a $279M contract by The Metropolitan District to construct the 6.4km long, 5.5m diameter South Hartford Conveyance and Storage Tunnel (SHCST) in Hartford, Connecticut.
Granite’s portion of the contract is 65%. As consolidating partner, the total contract award of $279M will be booked into Granite’s backlog in the second quarter of 2016.
The joint venture team will be responsible for the construction of the tunnel, launch shaft, retrieval shaft, pump station excavation shaft, seven drop shafts, seven adits with de-aeration chambers, and an odor control building at the retrieval shaft.
The SHCST will convey and store wastewater from portions of South Hartford and West Hartford, and minimize sewer overflows into the local Connecticut River and Long Island Sound during major storm events.
Funding for this project is provided by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Clean Water Fund. Construction is scheduled to begin August 2016 and scheduled for completion by fall 2020.