The Impregilo Salini Group has been awarded a US$2.2bn contract by Qatar Railways Company to design and build the “Red Line North Underground” in Doha. The “Red Line North” will extend approximately 13km northward from Mushaireb station, and will include 7 new underground stations. The 6.17m i.d. twin tunnels will be excavated for a length of about 11.6km.
The new project, together with three other underground lines, is a part of a wide-ranging plan to realize a new transportation infrastructure promoted by Qatar within the framework of the National Development Plan for 2030 (“Qatar National Vision 2030”) which foresees significant investments to enable sustainable economic growth internally and abroad.
US$815M of the contract sum is dedicated to the planning and civil works and approximately US$1.4bn of provisional sums for preparatory works, electro-mechanical plant and architectural works for the stations.
The Middle East and, in particular, the countries of the Persian Gulf region represent a priority for the Group’s future. More specifically, the Group is already involved in Qatar in the design and construction of the first phase of the Abu Hamour (Musaimeer) water system in Doha, which will collect surface and underground rainwater and includes the construction of a 9.5km surface and ground water drainage tunnel.