NFM Technologies has won the contract to supply two 14m diameter EPBMs to the two Spanish JV’s, OHL/Sando/Azvi and Copisa/Aldesa/Bruesa, constructing the 2,180m long twin tunnels under the Guadalquivir River, as part of the 450M euro SE-40 ring road project in Seville, Spain.
The EPBMs will be used to bore 1,900m twin tunnels through sand, gravel and marl, and have been designed to withstand pressures of 5bar. The variable ground conditions will be controlled using four injection systems of bentonite, limestone marl, foam and polymer.
NFM’s contract provides for design, manufacture, and on-site assembly/dismantling of the machines as well as assistance during tunnel construction. Both EPBMs will be manufactured mainly at the company’s Le Creusot plant in France, and are scheduled for completion in February 2011.
The construction of the new ring road for the client, Sociedad Estatal de Infraestructuras del Transporte Terrestre (SEITT), will reduce traffic on the existing ring road to provide better infrastructure for the metropolitan area of Seville. The project is backed by the European Community.