Australia’s Victorian Government is planning the North East Link project, which will finally connect Melbourne’s freeway network and includes the construction of 5km of twin-tube tunnels. With procurement set to start in mid-2018, planning and delivery partner the North East Link Authority wants to engage now with experienced PPP providers. Interested parties are urged to register their details at
This complex project comprises 23km of new motorway in Melbourne’s north eastern suburbs, including the 5km twin tunnels protecting parkland and suburbs above.
North East Link will provide a safe and efficient freeway connection for around 100,000 vehicles a day, slashing travel times, getting trucks off local roads and linking key growth areas in the north and south-east.
The core of the North East Link project will be delivered as an Availability Public Private Partnership that drives a whole-of-life approach to planning and delivery. The State will retain revenue from tolls, at least initially, to provide the best value outcome for Victoria.
Procurement and planning approval processes will begin this year, ahead of a preferred builder being selected in 2019, and major construction starting in 2020.
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