February 1st saw the launch of the CRCHI Slurry TBM ‘Channel Express’ that will now bore the 1.6km, 6m i.d undersea water supply tunnel on the PUB’s TWRP Contract 1 in Singapore. The tunnel will connect Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (TWRP)/Tuas NEWater Factory to existing network on Jurong Island.

The Slurry TBM Channel Express Launched in the Construction of Water Supply Tunnels in Singapore
STEC is undertaking the S$116M contract which is one of the most important infrastructure projects constructed by the Singapore Water Authority in recent years.
The tunnel crosses the seabed under high water pressures, and passes through mudstone, siltstone and sandstone with high compressive strengths, with the added challenge of possible fracture zones in the tunnel section.
The “Channel Express” TBM is equipped with cutting edge technologies such as a high pressure main drive seal, jaw+gear hobbing double-stage crushing, synchronous bi-component grouting, an innovative slurry circulation system, and anti-slagging and drainage systems. A telescopic camera device can monitor the inside of the main bearing and the excavation chamber by video. The intelligent excavation management system can also monitor the excavation volume in real time.
The TBM is scheduled to complete boring in September this year.