Leading supplier of diesel and electric monorail solutions for mining and tunnelling, as well as battery electric mobile equipment via RDH Scharf, SMT Scharf AG says it is currently reviewing the possibility of acquiring significant assets from subsidiaries of the underground tunnelling equipment and solutions company Mühlhäuser GmbH, headquartered in Freienbach, Switzerland.
Specifically, SMT Scharf AG is considering in detail the acquisition of significant assets of Karl H Mühlhäuser GmbH & Co KG and Mühlhäuser-Obermann GmbH, both in Michelstadt, Germany, both of which saw preliminary insolvency proceedings open on June 28, 2019.
“SMT Scharf AG aims to continue with its existing growth strategy. Through the potential acquisition of significance assets and investments, SMT Scharf AG aims to extend its portfolio to include expertise in the ‘Tunnel Logistics’ area. SMT Scharf AG subsidiary SMT Scharf GmbH, Hamm, Germany, had already concluded a cooperation agreement with Mühlhäuser in 2016.”