The first four TBMs for SRL East will begin arriving on site next year – and will be in the…
São Paulo metro Line 6 connection completed
ACCIONA has reached an important milestone in the construction of São Paulo´s Metro Line 6 in Brazil by connecting Patio…
Acciona begins boring on S19 tunnel in Poland
The 15m diameter TBM that will excavate the double tunnel of the €500M S19 highway section between Rzeszów Południe and…
Milestone for Sydney’s Western Harbour Tunnel Stage 2
Sydney’s Western Harbour Tunnel has passed an important milestone with work on the main roadway now progressing under the Warringah…
Sydney Metro West TBMs reach Burwood North
Two 7m diameter double-shield, hard rock, gripper-type Herrenknecht TBMs driven by the Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture have arrived at Burwood…
Beatrice and Daphne relaunch on Sydney Metro West
Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture has re-launched TBMs Beatrice and Daphne from the Five Dock Metro Station site as Sydney’s Metro…
Suburban Connect confirmed for $3.6bn Suburban Rail Loop contract
Suburban Connect consortium comprising Ghella/CPB Contractors/Acciona has officially signed the $3.6bn contract with the Victorian Government to deliver the first…
Preferred bidder announced for SRL East tunnelling contract
A consortium of global tunnelling leaders – Suburban Connect comprising CPB Contractors, Ghella and Acciona Construction – is the preferred…
Acciona invests in SAALG Geomechanics software
Acciona has become the lead investor in SAALG Geomechanics, a software and engineering startup that predicts real ground movement during…
Acciona awarded Stage 2 Western Harbour Tunnel contract
Sydney’s historic third harbour crossing has reached another major milestone with the $4.24bn contract to deliver stage two of the…