John Holland has been awarded the first major Melbourne Metro Tunnel contract, which includes excavating massive shafts in the centre of Melbourne as part of preparations for the project’s 9km of twin tunnel under the city centre and five new underground stations.
The $324M works package includes the excavation of huge open shafts adjacent to Swanston Street to enable the underground construction of the two new city stations built as part of the $10.9bn project.
The station shafts will be up to 35m deep.
Excavation of the CBD North Station will involve two shafts – at Franklin and A’Beckett Street – which will be covered by massive acoustic sheds to reduce noise for neighboring residents and offices. Construction of CBD South will be involve the partial demolition of the carpark underneath City Square.
Building the shafts as part of this package will enable us to get straight to work building the stations and tunnel underneath Swanston Street.
Other works in the package include the relocation and protection of up to 100 utilities, including gas, power and telecommunications services, and the 120 year old brick main sewer line under the Domain interchange.
These works will start within weeks, with work on the stations shafts to begin next year, following the conclusion of Environment Effects Statement (EES) process currently underway and formal planning approval for the project.
Premier Daniel Andrews said, “Next year, the face of our City will change as we dig 11 storeys below the CBD, and pave the way for Melbourne’s new Metro Tunnel and five new underground stations.”
“The Metro Tunnel will create the international-style train system we need, and we’re not wasting a moment –work starts within weeks, and major work will start in 2017.”