Peru’s private investment promotion agency ProInversión has pushed back the bid deadlines and award date for the US$6.5bn concession for the second line of capital Lima’s metro project yet again, according to an updated project schedule.
The deadline for the prequalified consortiums’ technical and financial bids, set for February 21, has now been extended by a month to March 21. ProInversión now aims to award the 35-year concession on March 28.
The three prequalified consortiums are: Consorcio Nuevo Metro de Lima, comprised of Spain’s ACS and FCC, Italian companies Impregilo and AnsaldoBreda and Peru’s Cosapi; Consorcio Metro Subterráneo de Lima, which includes Italian concessionaire Astaldi and Controladora de Operaciones de Infraestructura – a subsidiary of Mexico’s ICA; and Consorcio Metro de Lima Linea 2, comprised of Brazil’s Odebrecht, Construtora Andrade Gutierrez, Queiroz Galvão Construtora and Peruvian engineering and construction company Graña y Montero.
The concession consists of the financing, design, construction, rolling stock supply, operation and maintenance of a total of 35km of underground line connecting 13 districts.
To view the project profile and updated project calendar, in Spanish, click here.
Home > Lima Metro Line 2 award date pushed back
Lima Metro Line 2 award date pushed back

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